How Viraport® Works



Viraport continuously monitors the air quality within a room.



If the system detects contaminated air, alerts are sent to INDIVIDUAL cell phones.



Contaminated air can be both treated and removed automatically from the room.




Sit back and relax. Breathe.

How Viraport Works:



Viraport continuously monitors the air quality within a room.



If the system detects contaminated air, alerts are sent to INDIVIDUAL cell phones.



Contaminated air can be both treated and removed automatically from the room.




Sit back and relax. Breathe.

It's Time To Regain Control & Peace of Mind

As the Covid warzone ravages businesses, schools, the economy, and our society as a whole, the need for better and more progressive personal protective equipment becomes increasingly vital. The current Covid situation requires a new generation of sturdier, more portable, and more effective equipment for protecting individuals. Ameri-Brand is actively and intentionally designing unique protective solutions that are leading the charge. Collectively, we’ve named these personal protective equipment solutions, Viraport.

In this day and age, health and well-being has become a priority for a great number of our American population. When the Covid-19 Pandemic hit our country many were concerned, scared, or didn't know quite what to make of all the changes happening around them. Practically all facets of our everyday lives have been altered (in previously inconceivable levels) by the ongoing effects of this pandemic. Going into our 3rd year, there continues to be a fractured understanding of the virus itself and how we should deal with it.

The ever changing guidance (whether it’s right or wrong) has pretty much worn most people out. There are many opinions as to what we should be doing to be safe. Should we do this or should we do that to protect ourselves? How about our loved ones, and/or those others we’re responsible for? What truly is the best common sense approach to prevent transmission?

One thing that has become acutely evident from the very beginning of this crisis (and the one thing that has not changed) is that breathing in contaminated air has proven to be the primary transmission vehicle for the Covid-19 Virus and its ongoing variants.

THE SAFE (virus free) AIR is OUTDOORS. No one disputes that. But, what about indoors where we typically spend most of our time? How can we as INDIVIDUALS monitor the Air within a given room to accurately detect the probability of Virus laden air? How can we regain control of our lives? How can we once again thrive, live freely, & Breathe?


The CO2 level in a room (along with a few other measurable factors) is a reliably predictive measurement of Virus Potential. The higher the AQ Score, the more likely there can be a presence of Many types of Airborne disease such as:

Coronavirus, SARS-COV-2, Influenza, the Common Cold, TB, and others.

Excessive CO2 levels in an enclosed room are the direct result of the volume of exhaled air within it. The more people in the room, and the longer they stay, INCREASES the CO2 levels. CO2 can ACCUMULATE in a room in a short period of time, thereby progressively contaminating the air. In addition, countless Pre-Covid research studies state that excessive levels of CO2 alone pose other potentially dangerous health and performance related issues. (SEE LINK)

ALSO, Airborne Viruses are known to thrive in COLD & DRY confined spaces.

So, the combination of excessive CO2 levels combined with COLD, DRY air create a situation where an Air Quality (AQ) Alert System combined with affordable Air Management Components is essential.

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Here at Ameri-Brand, we can’t possibly fathom all the ways that these products can be used because they’re that versatile. So help us out! CLICK HERE to give us feedback on what ways you think these products could be used or improved. Or, maybe you’re interested in funding the development of these products, in which case, CLICK HERE!